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Brno, Czech Republic

Fléda, Štefánikova 95, Brno
tram stop: Hrnčířská (tram 1, 6)

Kabinet múz, Sukova 49/4, Brno
tram stop Malinovského nám. (tram 1, 2)


How to move around in Brno?

More information about public transport in Brno: transport timetables and transport fares

Tips for accommodation

Main conference hotel:
Hotel Continental, Kounicova Street

Other options:
Penzion Luna, Štefánikova Street
Cosmopolitan Bobycentrum, Sportovní Street
Penzion Královská Cesta, Poděbradova Street
Hostel John Galt, Novobranská Street
Jacob Brno Apartments, Jakubské Square  
Penzion Dvořákova, Dvořákova Street


Music Managers Forum Czech Republic (MMF CR) is an association of music managers and booking agents whose goal is to develop the Czech music industry and especially its management sector. It supports the education of novice and experienced managers through workshops and the ReConnect music conference. It also connects managers not only with each other, but also with other professionals in the sector, helping to improve the legislative environment in the Czech Republic related to the music industry. MMF CR works closely with its parent international association International Music Managers Forum (IMMF) and tries to apply its goals to the environment of the music market in the Czech Republic. MMF CR is a member of the umbrella associations Czech Music Community and Cultural and Creative Federation, with which it works on common goals of the music and cultural sector.

SoundCzech is an official music office that aims to help Czech music abroad, regardless of music genres. Since its establishment in 2017, it has been part of the Arts and Theatre Institute and financed from the budget of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.

BACH (Brno Association of Club Music) aims to create a suitable environment for the flourishing of free live music in the city of Brno and to strengthen cooperation and sharing between clubs.
One of the basic ideas of the association is the support of members in crisis situations, but also when discussing common issues with authorities and other organizations. Members of the association also inform each other about political changes not only on a local scale, and as an association they take common positions, propose amendments to standards and actively react to such changes. Among the main ideas of the establishment of the Brno Club Music Association is joint promotion not only in the territory of Brno and the Czech Republic, but also the presentation and strengthening of awareness of cultural events abroad. (from the association's website)