
Plan your programme on the fourth edition of ReConnect.

Thursday, 3.10.2024 in Fléda, Štefánikova 95, Brno

15.00 club opens


15.30 official opening

15.40 Show us your project!* (CZE)

Do you have an interesting project**? Would you like to get feedback on it? Then this is the right place for you. Whether you are preparing a music album, tour or any other music project, share your ideas with us! Presentations must be in English.
Facilitator: Barbora Mikolášiková
Jury: Steve Farris (USA, board members of MMF CR, lecturers from Music faculty JAMU

*the program is organized in cooperation with the Faculty of Music of JAMU is primarily intended for students of music management, music production, cultural management and starting managers; the entire section is open to the public with a valid ReConnect conference ticket

**if you want to present your project, you must register here in advance

17.00 general assembly MMF CR


18.00 reception Drink & Network

main hall

21.00 club opens for public

21.00 concert Paranoid London
get more information about the concert

Friday, 4.10.2024 in Fléda, Štefánikova 95, Brno

9.30 club opens

main hall

10.00-10.50 Do you want me? (CZE)

How to impress a music programmer/music dramaturg.

Facilitator: Kristina Kratochvílová

Panelists: Jana Alexová, Miroslav Hasa, Jan Jůzl, Jiří Pospíšil, Jiří Trubák

11.00-11.50 We have the music. What's next? (CZE)

Do we have a beautiful music video? Do we have great photos? Do we have a stunning show? Do we have social media presence? Do we have a distinctive image?

Facilitator: Martin E. Kyšperský
Panelists: Michal “Majkláč” Novák, Lukáš Rychtařík

12.00-12.50 How to make a splash (CZE)

How to attract and feed the media while staying true to yourself.

Facilitator: Tomáš Foltán

Panelists: Zdeněk Neusar, Jiří Sedlák, Dan Sywala, Jan Vedral

12.50-14.00 LUNCH BREAK


Clash of the Titans (ENG)

How to get on the stage? Will I be lead there by the manager, promoter or club dramaturg?

Facilitator: Márton Naray

Panelists: Darren-James Thomas (UK), zástupce bulharské konference SoAlive (online)

15.00-15.50 Gold mine (CZE)

Where and how to find your Klondike and support your project.

Facilitator: Martin E. Kyšperský

Panelists: Barbora Hančíková, Ivan Zaťko

16.00-16.50 Heaven Within Reach (CZE)

How hard it is to reach Heaven – a career interview.

Facilitator: Martin E. Kyšperský

Panelist: Bára Poláková

Spectrum bar

17.00-18.30 Speed meetings 
You have to register in advance. Registration is open until September 30, 2024.


10.00-10.50 AI & I (CZE)

Tired of writing for Social Media? Fed up with crafting the best promo texts? Get some help.

Facilitator: Barbora Mikolášiková

Panelists: Barbora Magulová

11.00-11.50 Data mining, crypto earning (ENG)

Are statistics really boring, even if they will guide you towards success and a better looking bank account? We are looking at Viberate to track your music`s presence, and Arnold Travieso from Crypto Musica Records, which is one of the most effective WEB3 label. What is WEB3? Join in and find out.
Facilitator: Márton Naray

Panelists: Miha Prebil (SLO), Arnold Travieso (E)

12.00-12.50 Fan, the musician's best friend (CZ/ENG)

How to care for your fans to keep them as a loyal friends.
Facilitator: Kristina Kratochvílová

Panelists: Sebastian Król (DE), Jan Hlaváč

12.50-14.00 LUNCH BREAK


Help Desk (CZE)

Hello, how can I help you?Facilitator: Kristina Kratochvílová

Panelists: Jakub Nový (SAI, Česká obec hudební), Petr “Kužel” Blažek (MMF CR), Márton Naray (SoundCzech), zástupce OSA

15.00-15.50 On the road to Wembley (ENG)

I met them on the street, and together we reached the top.

Facilitator:  Márton Naray
Panelists: Ben Yonas (USA)

16.00-16.50 Music in the Spotlight (ENG)

Sync is the new goldrush, but very few knows how to be effective on that fields. We are looking at international and regional sync possibilities while giving you tricks what to be aware of possible pitfalls.  

Facilitator: Márton Naray

Panelists: Patrycja Bukowska (PL), Lucie Janečková

Saturday, 5.10.2024 

vila Tugendhat

Tour of the pearl of Brno architecture listed on the UNESCO list: VILA TUGENDHAT MIES VAN DER ROHE
10.30 ENG tour
joint departure from the Continental Hotel at 9.30 a.m. to tram No. 9 Capacity is limited, you must register by e-mail ( with the subject Tugendhat tour) until 30.9.2024.

club Kabinet múz, Sukova 4, Brno


13.00-14.00 Listening session
Panelists from Czechia and abroad will share their opinions on songs from various artists. Come and get inspired how you can elevate your music further.

14.15-16.45 Tour de Clubs (2 tours)
This part of programme will get you to four clubs. If you plan a concert in Brno this is the moment where you can discover the secret of Brno's music venues and get to know the people behind them.
Offered tours:
1. tour - Martin Kozumplík: Kafara - Art Bar - Stará Pekárna - Metro
2. tour - Přemek Štěpánek: Melodka - Alterna - Vegalite - Music Lab

Change in programme reserved.